At God’s Door
Thank you for joining us in intercession as we listen to hear direction, guidance and instruction. We all believe in the power of prayer. We gather to respond to the call of God to intercede.
Join us every morning from 5:30-6:00 a.m. EST
The number is 951-981-7721, no passcode is needed.
If you are dialing in from outside of the US, please click here to see what number to use.
The foundation scripture is Proverbs 8:32.
32 “So listen, my sons and daughters, to everything I tell you, for nothing will bring you more joy than following my ways. 33 Listen to my counsel, for my instruction will enlighten you. You’ll be wise not to ignore it. 34 If you wait at wisdom’s doorway, longing to hear a word for every day, joy will break forth within you as you listen for what I’ll say. 35 For the fountain of life pours into you every time that you find me, and this is the secret of growing in the delight and the favor of the Lord.
Proverbs 8:32-35 TPT
I pray you are blessed by, and will to be a blessing to, all those who will be a part of this prayer line.
You can read the agenda and flow of the prayer line as well as the etiquette we adhere to.
You can submit your prayer requests.
Click here to read and pray with us over our requests.