I recently watched the Matrix again and I believe the Lord shared some new insights with me because of where I am in my life right now. God gives each Christian the desire to want increased faith and to want to believe on a Deeper Level. He has brought us out of the darkness (Matrix) into the light (Outside of the Matrix). We have to understand that the devil is our enemy and is continually setting traps for us (The Agents, sentinels etc.) We must live in a place where we have enough faith to show the world that the devil fears us because we are believers. We know the future. We know how it ends. Because we do, we can show the world that every believer can live without borders and boundaries created when the enemy is in charge. We must walk by faith, so the world sees that with Christ all things are possible.
Mark 9:22-24 If you can do anything, do it. Have a heart and help us!” 23 Jesus said, “If? There are no ‘ifs’ among believers. Anything can happen.” 24 No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the father cried, “Then I believe. Help me with my doubts!”
This is the particular scene that stood out for me when I watched this time.
Neo is on top of the roof and he has to jump from one rooftop to the other rooftop. I am not sure what the distance was between the rooftops, but it had to have been a good 20 feet. He stood on the rooftop. Morpheus says to Neo, “you have to free your mind. Then he jumps and makes it. Neo stands there on the roof, bobbing back and forth like a prize fighter ready to jump into the ring. He’s saying, “free my mind, free my mind, free my mind.” Neo didn’t make it. When he asked why he didn’t make the jump, Morpheus told him that he had residual image and that was hindering him. Even though he was no longer in the Matrix, he still saw (thought like) he was. When the Neo went to see the oracle she said, “Sorry kid(..) in the next life maybe.” In the movie it wasn’t until Neo died and was revived when he realized who he was.
I felt this scene was so representative of us as Christians. We have the Bible; we have the Holy Spirit so why don’t we walk in the level of faith available to us. We want to, we quote the scriptures, we Go through our lives just like Neo on the top of that roof. Instead of saying “free my mind”, we say “I can do all things through Christ”, “I’m the head and not the tail”, “I’m above only and not beneath” , “God is good all the time and all the time God is good”. But how is that when most of us make the jump, we fail. How do we have spiritual success like ultimately Neo did?
There are two things that stood out for me, as I was in a place where I had to believe God at a deeper level.
- I have been changed and transformed by the blood of Jesus, I have to live like it and stop thinking and acting like I used to.
- I have to die to self, if I am to live in the power Christ bought for me and created me to live in.
If we die to self, we will be made alive in Christ. Walking and reborn again into the person God created us to be. That death to self is an ongoing process, but we have to step into it so we can get the victory that is on the other side.
Dear God,
Help me to die to myself in all areas in my life so I can free myself and walk in victory …..in Jesus Name!!!