Teach My Hands to War

Teach My Hands to War

The purpose of this blog is to help the reader understand that we are already engaged in warfare, whether we fully understand spiritual warfare, have a cursory understanding of spiritual warfare or no understanding at all. The devotional and the blog use the word to equip believers to fight more strategically.

I encourage you to:

  • Read the devotional with an open heart.
  • Meditate on the scripture.
  • Allow the text to help you see the hand of God in and on your life.
  • Take time to evaluate what position you have taken in the battle.
  • Pray.

You can read the blog and share here.

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Stephanie Harden
Stephanie Harden
4 years ago

All I can say Dr. Pam is thank you for your dudiligence and steadfastness to deliver God’s word in a practical application to our daily lives. These devotionals are changing my perspective about simple matters and how to approach them Biblically. Father continue to bless Dr. Pamela Russell to do what you have purposed for her life…..in Jesus Name!!!

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