Mission Trip – Abuja Nigeria

Those who know me also know the mission field was not something that I felt called to. However, this year on the prayer line, we have been studying how to give our utmost for His highest. This is the next step for me. I am honored to have the opportunity to go to Africa. I will use this platform to share the remarkable ministry opportunity God has presented to me. During December 3-20, I will be going to Nigeria with Apostle La Tonia Turner from Pure in Heart Ministries.

During our three-week trip, we will:

• Allow God to work in our lives through the personal enrichment that comes from this type of mission trip.

• Focus our individual prayers by traveling to a foreign land and praying ‘on-site with insight.’ We will pray that God will use us to open eyes and hearts to the message of Jesus.

• Encourage local Christians by bolstering their spirits and supporting their work and elevate our relationship with the Lord as we pray with those who love Him no matter what they have or don’t have..

• Visit places where we will develop relationships with the Christians there.

I’m excited about this opportunity and experience. Pray that I will fully submit to the task that God wants to accomplish through me. If you have given through GoFundme, Cashapp ($agodsend), or Zelle (pamelaarussell@yahoo.com), I am grateful. You can still help if you have not given.

Please subscribe to and/or keep coming back to this page as I will post updates and pictures of the journey.

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Danielle Russell
Danielle Russell
2 years ago

Wow mom this is a really great blog about your trip! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I loved your comment about the drivers not arriving on time lol

Patricia Sims
Patricia Sims
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing, looking forward to hear about your experience. keep those videos and pictures coming. Much Love

Stephanie Harden
Stephanie Harden
2 years ago

Amen Dr.Pam and we will be ready!!

Stephanie Harden
Stephanie Harden
2 years ago

I am finally able to comment hello Dr. Pam miss you much. The place is beautiful where you are staying. I am reading everything and will comment later…love you and be safe!!!

2 years ago

Absorb everything He has for you to experience; continue to allow His love to expand within you. You will never be th same. ❤️

Patricia Sims
Patricia Sims
2 years ago

Just letting you know we pray for you and the team daily. Miss hearing your voice. Must Love ❤️

debra lewis
2 years ago

Hi Pam just ckn

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