Those who know me also know the mission field was not something that I felt called to. However, this year on the prayer line, we have been studying how to give our utmost for His highest. This is the next step for me. I am honored to have the opportunity to go to Africa. I will use this platform to share the remarkable ministry opportunity God has presented to me. During December 3-20, I will be going to Nigeria with Apostle La Tonia Turner from Pure in Heart Ministries.
During our three-week trip, we will:
• Allow God to work in our lives through the personal enrichment that comes from this type of mission trip.
• Focus our individual prayers by traveling to a foreign land and praying ‘on-site with insight.’ We will pray that God will use us to open eyes and hearts to the message of Jesus.
• Encourage local Christians by bolstering their spirits and supporting their work and elevate our relationship with the Lord as we pray with those who love Him no matter what they have or don’t have..
• Visit places where we will develop relationships with the Christians there.
I’m excited about this opportunity and experience. Pray that I will fully submit to the task that God wants to accomplish through me. If you have given through GoFundme, Cashapp ($agodsend), or Zelle (pamelaarussell@yahoo.com), I am grateful. You can still help if you have not given.
Please subscribe to and/or keep coming back to this page as I will post updates and pictures of the journey.
Wow mom this is a really great blog about your trip! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I loved your comment about the drivers not arriving on time lol
Day Sixteen
On my way home. We went back to the orphanage one last time to hand out the bags we made from them. When we were going back to the airport, soldiers were all around. These are the young men who drove us from place to place while we were in Nigeria. Muhammad Anass, Samuel Edoi, and Suliman Baba.
Day Fifteen
Today I am attending a wedding of an American girl who is marrying a Nigerian man. I saw her at Brittany and Chris’ wedding. I did not know who she was but she and the young man she was with was such a striking couple that I asked if I could take her picture. She said yes. While standing there she asked me if I was a relative of Brittany. I told her that I did not really know Brittany. I was in Nigeria for missions and the person that I came with knew Brittany, so we came to the wedding. She was genuinely surprised. She asked me when I was leaving, and I told her Sunday. She told me that she was getting married this Saturday and that there was not going to be anyone from the US at her wedding. She asked if I would please come. I told her absolutely.
Day Fourteen
Today we went back to City of Refuge Orphanage and also to Cheryfield Children’s Home that we found out about while we were at Mataimba Market.
Day Thirteen
We went to the Kobe Fish Market which does not sale fish exclusively. It is just the name. Actually, as I think about it, I did not find a fish stall. We saw a cobbler teaching a young villager the art. We did, however, find the bags. I participated the ministry service they were having. After the service we bought some rice to take to the Nigerian village we were going to visit next. Here some links for a video of the market and the dancing at the church service.
We then went to the Nigerian village called Galademawa.
Day Twelve
As we still were not finished shopping and needed to get the bags. We went to another market, Wuse Market. This is the granddaddy market of them all. It is the major and most popular market in Abuja. It is also the most intense and most dramatic. At one point I was surrounded by vendors and Sam had to grab my arm and pull me out of the crowd. We got most of the things we needed, but we still did not find the bags.
Day Eleven
Because we were not able to get what we needed yesterday, we had to go back to the market again. If I thought yesterday’s experience was overwhelming, today was even more so. We went to Maitama Farmers Market.
We went back to Chi-Exotic for dinner.
Day Ten
We returned to the orphanage today to get the names, sex and
sizes of the children to begin preparing for their Christmas gift bags.
We needed to find shoes for all the children. That was a
trip to the market. We went to Garki Market. It is like a fast-paced street
bazaar. The venders here you speak and no you are not from Nigeria. They come on full force. It was overwhelming and intimidating. Knowing what a fair price is and being able to haggle is a must. We were not able to get all we needed. It was good Anass was able to help us.
For dinner we went to one of the market restaurants. Chi-Exotic. The food was amazing but very
Day Nine
We attended church where the couple was married. We then
went to the church were our driver (Samuel Edoi) attends. There was a goat just walking in the parking area.
Day Eight
Today was the wedding and reception.
Chris Heaven Utum and Brittany Baker
Day Seven
Today we went back to the orphanage to take the rice we were supposed to take yesterday. We had the privilege seeing other schools come to bring donations to the children. It was such a blessing. And the wonderful thing is that the schools brought their students with them to the orphanage.
Traci is the guidance counselor for the Royal Christian Academy. She required that the students help wash dishes, make beds, or whatever Becky needed them to do.
Miriam is the director of the Colorado Little Einstein Center. This center has pre-K to elementary students. The students also came, even the 3- and 4-year-olds. The teachers talked to them about the privilege of having parents, not having to live by yourself, and the students to honor their mother and their father because of they are privileged to have parents. It was amazing to see.
Day Six
Appointments in Nigeria are different than appointments in the US, especially for me. When you are given a time for the driver to pick you up, it doesn’t mean exact. Often it doesn’t even mean close to. Today we were supposed to take rice the orphanage as we prepared to put together the other items that they needed. We were told that the driver would be to pick us up at 11:00 AM. The driver didn’t get there until 1:45 PM because of that and the other things that we had to do, we decided to take the rice to the orphanage tomorrow, but we had to go to the grocery store.
pictures are coming
Day Five
Today Apostle Turner’s friend, Apostle Carol Baker, came over with her daughter, Brittany (the bride to be) and her fiancé, Chris. We got the opportunity to talk with them and hear about how they met, fell in love, and decided to get married. The seamstress, Raima, came over to show us the beautiful gowns that they would be wearing to the wedding. She explained to me that weddings are a huge deal in Nigeria and they dress up very elaborately.
We needed to exchange more money, so Chris took us to get money exchanged because the young ladies had to get money exchanged as well.
pictures are coming
Day Four – December 6th
The two young ladies that we’re coming arrived late last night and woke up to find that their luggage was still not at the airport I found out that these two young ladies were coming to be in a wedding the brides mother is a very close friend of apostle Turner so she decided to combine her mission trip with the opportunity to go to her friends daughter’s wedding.
Apostle Turner also had a friend who lives in Nigeria who connected us with someone who could help us by taking us where we needed to go, exchanging our dollar for the best rate, and negotiate for us so that we didn’t get overcharged. His name is Muhammad Anass.
Today is the first day that we went to the orphanage (City of Refuge). Becky is the orphanage director. This was the introductory meeting where they got to meet us and we got to meet them we found out what needs that we could possibly meet and we would go from there. the girls really wanted their hair braided for the holidays and we wanted to get them outfits and shoes as well and the director of this the orphanage said that they needed rice. we spent time getting to know them and left with our marching orders.
Anass is a business owner who has a farmers market stand and we had the opportunity to go to his market. I showed pictures in the previous post.
Day Three
Today is the day that the other two young ladies will be coming to the house. They won’t be here until late evening. We needed to go to the grocery store. We had no intentions of eating out, therefore, we need it just stack the cupboards. I needed to purchase And vegetables to cook my soup prepare my salads because I was participating in the At God’s Door Quarterly Fast.
The exchange rate can vary. It was $1.00 for 730-740 Nigerian naira on that day. You get a higher rate if you have a larger size bill. they tend not to want to exchange $20s or $10s. All of their currency is folding bills there are no coins.
Though it seems as if you would be able to get a lot because of the exchange rate, the prices are fairly comparable. Fresh fruits are expensive in the US not any less so at the grocery store in Nigeria. The great thing is, their food is organic. They do not have pesticides. Also in the grocery store they are not so quick to take a tomato, celery, or a potato that’s slightly withered or brown off the shelf.
The workers in the grocery store are very attentive. It was great to ask them questions about where to find something and have them go and look for it and/or take you to it. Even though there was somewhat of a language barrier, they would keep trying to find what you were looking for which was really great.
We also went to the market of the young man who was driving us from place to place. It was the first market of a long line of markets we would visit.
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to hear about your experience. keep those videos and pictures coming. Much Love
Amen Dr.Pam and we will be ready!!
I am finally able to comment hello Dr. Pam miss you much. The place is beautiful where you are staying. I am reading everything and will comment later…love you and be safe!!!
Absorb everything He has for you to experience; continue to allow His love to expand within you. You will never be th same. ❤️
Day Three (in the morning)
I felt like a picture would do better than my words ever could. Here is a video of where I’m staying. No, it’s not in a village. I am grateful that I was not staying in a hut on my first trip out of the country.
Here is the link
Day Two
We got to the Abuja Airport at about 10:30 p.m. Nigerian time (4:30 p.m. Orange Park time) I couldn’t believe we had been traveling for over 30 hours. We then had to go and get our temporary VISA transferred into a permanent one and our passports stamped.
Day One and a Half
We made it to the plane and our seats were wrong. God always has an angel looking out for you. This young lady is Egwuma Efo. She is a Digital Health consultant for Non-Profits. She helped me with my luggage, rearranged the upper cargo so my luggage would be near me and switched seats so Apostle Turner could sit by the window because of issues with her legs. She did not know us, but was so kind.
I finally got internet so I will catch you up.
Day One
The last flight before we get to Abuja, Nigeria. I was so excited
Thank you for your prayers. Seeing and learning a lot
Just letting you know we pray for you and the team daily. Miss hearing your voice. Must Love ❤️
Hi Pam just ckn
The first thing I would like to say, is, I am so blessed and honored. If it had not been for God speaking to those who contributed to make this trip possible for me I will be here, what a blessing.
As I said in the airport, I’m not sure what I was thinking I would see. I was amazed at the number of people traveling outside of the country. I realize there is a huge part of life that I am missing out on.
The Bible says seek ye, first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the things that everybody else long for, He will give to you. It also says the He will give you the desires of your heart. I have always understood that to mean: He will give you what to desire. I am then brought to the passage to exceedingly and abundantly above, all that I can ask according to the power that works in me.
Whatever the next step, phase, or journey that God has in store for me; I am ready. I am so looking forward to going to German, Italy, Japan, China and wherever else He puts in my heart. I want Him to use my life. God willing I will take you guys along for the ride.