Welcome to the PRM Blog Page :)

Whether you stumbled onto this website by simple chance or coming here was an intentional decision, I warmly welcome you and I thank you for your visit. If you checked out the “Elder Pam.” page then you know some basic information about me.  Looking at the front page, you saw that this is a Christian Teaching Ministry. I am glad you chose to read further.  Everyone is so busy, and life moves pretty fast, so I want you to know I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to spend time reading and sharing on the blog.  Thank you very much!

Another thing I will always appreciate is your feedback on the blog.  If you have any comments or suggestions, I welcome them and would love to hear them.  Not that criticism is fun, but I think honest criticism given in an honest positive manner is something we can all learn and grow from. I am open to hearing it and will listen to your ideas.

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I make it a point to bring content that will interest, inspire,  and motivate you. My prayer is that you will walk away thinking about and seeing things in a different way than before you came. I will be honest about me, my life, what I have experienced and who I am. My purpose is to share what God has given me to share with you, any situation I encountered that I believe will be helpful to you, what God spoke to me and the outcome for me. I am excited about what we will share together!

I will never suggest anything to you or for you that I haven’t either tried myself, believe in or have researched and know the facts about.  By the way, until we get to know each other, your post will not show immediately as I will have to review them and answer them if necessary.

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