As you go through this devotional please allow the scripture, the text and maybe even my prayers will…
- Help you see the hand of God on your life
- Bring to light the position you have taken in the battle and
- Ultimately equip you to fight more strategically.
If you have questions or comments please scroll down to the bottom and post them here. Β Check your email or back here to see any replies.
These morning devotional sharping me to the spiritual warfare I am in 24/7/365. I see SIN much more clearly with a new awareness of my need for REPENTANCE. I have been “tuned up” to my battle with food gluttony and needing to fast. I have heightened sensitivity to my spiritual battle because of Dr. Pam’s military expertise and strategies enemy warfare during her service in the military and now using those wordly warfare tactics from the word of God by opening my eyes me, sharpening the tools of spiritual warfare strategies against my wicked heart, my flesh and the devil, morning by morning ππͺ
Great is YOUR faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see in the Morning devotion from Elder Pam. Bless her for blessing me.
Good Morning Father,
Thank you for your devotional lesson this morning. I pray that I am rightly dividing Your word and I will not be timid but bold as a Lioness as you speak through me….I love you Father for who You are, Your impartation into our lives to be a blessing to others…in Jesus Name!!!
Good Morning Father,
In adversity I will rise, in the good times, yet I rise, in the bad times I will rise, in the lean times yet I will rise and worship Him and His Holy Name….my God is all to me and I will worship Him at all times. Abba Father in Jesus Name!!!
Good Morning Father,
Thank you for allowing me to be honest with you and transparent….I always want to worship You in truth and sincerity. Thank you for listening and allowing me to be me…I love you Father….in Jesus Name!!!
Good Morning Father,
I would love to say thank you for helping me to understand worship and its importance. Although I did not grow up in church I to experience what I thought was worship to you. After years of serving I finally came to the realization that worship has to be from the heart and not just and a feeling. True worship is something we want to do and not something we are told to do. For example, being asked to raise your hands in reverence to God, it should be automatic because its in your heart to reverence our God….thank you Father for teaching me the difference and thank you Dr. Pam for your transparency with regard to your experience with worshipping our God so we all can be free to worship in truth and sincerity….in Jesus Name!!!
Hi woman of God, I am truly blessed by your daily devotions, May God continue to speak to you!
Thank you and please continue to pray for me.
Good Morning Father,
I believe that traditons of any kind have there place in our lives. They can bring some order to any organization, the down fall is there is no room for growth or evolution. Often times Father, Believers conform to traditon even when it does not line up with Your will. Traditon in some cases ignore Your truths about the lifestyle of the Believer. Thank you Father for teaching me to know the differece and to always follow Your will….love you in Jesus Name
Good Morning Father,
Thank you for understanding me and where my strengths and weaknesses are with in my walk with you…I have come to rely on you more, as I seek you more and more. The Bible says, ” Lean not to our own understanding”…but trust in you for everything we need and to let you direct our paths. Yesssss thank you for Your on going direction in my life. My prayers will always include the Spirit of Submission and Surrender for all who seek your wisdom and knowledge for whatever they need….in Jesus Name….love you God!!!
Good Morning Father,
The Bible teaches us not to be anxious for nothing….but this time I am anxious about the coming of the Lord…..I am waiting in anticipation and expectancy for Your return. I LOVE YOU….IN JESUS NAME!!!
I am sorry that I did not get this posted. I wrote it and never entered it. I am also excited about how the Lord answers us and encourages us. Please click here: and read the information. You have an assurance and nothing to be anxious about.
Thank you God for your saving knowledge of Jesus Christ our Savior….and for allowing me to know you intimately as you reveal more of yourself to me everyday!!! My testimony is a testament that You do exist and You are here for all of us we just have to reach out and receive Your gift of Salvation….in Jesus Name!!! Love You Always!!!
Good Morning Father,
I really enjoyed this devotional this morning, I feel blessed to know my choice is always to submit to Your will. I serve because I want to, I love because I want to, I pray because I want to…thank you for loving me first…talk to you later!!!
Love Your Daughter Stephanie
Thank you God for using my weakness and making them teachable moments for me….I will always be grateful for your guidance, correction, and love. .more importantly an opportunity to receivenew mercies every morning so that I may get it right!!!
Thank you Father for your consistent evolution of wisdom that shapes me as I submit my will to Your will daily!!!
Love God!!!
I am so grateful that your inspirations are their for me. I am so thankful for your Prayers. Please pray for my strength in my endeavor to surpass this feeling of doubt that is attempting to come over me. Thank you soooooo much for being there
You are so welcome. I thank God and He is there for both of us. I am and will continue to pray for you.
Waiting an expectancy are so very relevant in my walk with Christ. I am learning to be patient while waiting in expectancy for our Savior’s return. Even the more, the complete understanding of patience always yields wonderful benefits when I surrender too it..Thank you Dr. Pam for a gentle reminder that patients with expectancy from God will always yield good fruit…in Jesus Name
Abba Father, Thank you for choosing me….In Jesus Name!!!
” Meekness is strength under control.” I love the way that is phrased as if to say to everyone it is a regal attribute of any person who holds its talent. I want to be meek in every aspect of my walk with God and I pray that we all strive to be meek……In Jesus Name.
Good Afternoon,
Reading today’s devotional is befitting to my situation with my husband. I feel he has lost that zeal for the Lord and ministry we use to do together. His job has become very demanding and it takes up a lot of his time and energy. This devotional teaches me I have no right to judge and to allow God to move in this situation, be supportive, and love him right back to where I know God wants him to be. Thank you Dr. Pam for showing me how to let God Be God.
You are welcome. We are all in this together. I learn as much when God is speaking to you through me as you do!
Promises of God….Amen and Amen!!! Living in the expectancy of His promises!!! Yesssssssssss!!!
Thank you Dr. Pam for reminding me to encourage those who God has placed under us to guide, impact, and assist with cultivation for His Glory…I will be mindful of my encouragement and loving words, even when I chasten when needed….thank you for your consistent encouragement and loving words as you assist in the cultivation of myself for His Glory…In Jesus Matchless Name!!! He Is Worthy of All the Praise!!!
You are welcome and you are one of those who I need to encourage. You have trusted God though me to help you. I am honored and I bless God for you.
Today I pray and agree with you Elder Pam that we should never be bound by others and what their expectations are of us. A fact that I experienced transitioning from the Leadership of church I recently left to the Leadership of the church I now attend. Yes, it is refreshing to feel that freedom to worship, love, give and serve, without expectations of others. I learned in my life not to expect anything from others only God, when we do not put those expectations on people they can be free to worship, love, serve, and give as well. Thank you Father for Freedom in Jesus Name!!!
As I read today’s devotional I was overwhelmed with the Presence of God. We all know what it feels like to have a promise broken. We understand the lasting effect when the promise is broken by someone you really believed and counted on to keep it. I am overshadowed by the love of God in this moment. I am reminded of the promises He has made. Not just that I will be with Him in eternity. But He makes promises to me and keeps them every day of my life. Promises about my ministry, my business, my husband, and my children. He is a promise keeper and I bless his name.!!!
I look so forward to this blog daily….I find myself at times wondering what it would be like to meet the Savior, spend time with God and His Angels, and walk the streets of gold. Sometimes I feel a reverencing fear of the coming of the Lord. Not for myself but for those who are not Believers, for those who may not make it in….my prayer is that we all repent turn from our wicked ways, acknowledge Christ as our Lord and Savior, cry out to God so that our land can be healed……still waiting in anticipation Praising His Mighty Name!!!
We bless the name of the Lord! Recognizing we are not our own and we are here to bring Christ to the world.
As I read today’s blog I am reminded of what lies ahead after this life is over……and yes I will remain in the Body of Christ until then fighting the good fight of faith…In Jesus Name!!! He is Worth of all the Praise!!!
Thank you Father for always keeping your Promises!!!
I sing Hallelujah with you.
Reading the blog for 4/25/2020….. with tears in my eyes….I will just say I will finish my books so that I can be a blessing to others and You Father will receive your return on your investment…Praising you Holy Name Father!!!
Thank you Dr. Pam for seeing what we do not see!!!
You are so welcome. It is why we walk together.
I really believe this blog is assisting me in my life completely. Exposure is very important in our walk of salvation especially in the area of strong holds and idols. Last year I gave social media the boot because one, I was still healing from the lost of my Mother, and secondly it was literally taking over all of my spare time. I found my self needing to be on social media. I finally realized that social media was becoming an idol when I would get on and I would loose track of time. I have recently re-entered the social media arena with a much better perspective. Thank you Dr. Pam for exposing idolatry, it is not really addressed as much as it should be with in the Body of Christ, especially the hidden idols. You are a “God Send” continue to expose the Enemy and all of his devices in Jesus Name!!!
You are so welcome. I think it is really important right now because we have more time, being at home. If we are not careful, when this time has passed we will have habits that we will have to or we will need to break. Be encouraged. As a believer, all things are lawful, but not all of them are prudent.
After reading today’s blog all I will say is Have Mercy I am an Over-comer…In Jesus Name!!!
You are such an inspiration to me. As I believed I was walking in obedience by sending this devotional out again, you are confirming for me that I heard God and I am excited that I obeyed. Thank you for your comments. Others are reading them and being blessed!
Understanding the love of Jesus not only helps to love others, but it teaches us to love ourselves. I am a firm believer if we know God the Father, His Son the Christ and we love them we can learn to love ourselves and then others as they love us. Thank you Dr. Pam your revelation…In Jesus Name.
This blog especially speaks to the Spirit of procrastination that I have to constantly keep under the Blood of Jesus. It hinders me in ways I try not to allow. What you wrote helped me to understand the need to complete what I start and I have souls attached to my life I must reach in Jesus Name. Preach on and walk in you calling as you minister to the the dark areas of our lives….Praise Ye the Lord!!!
Dr. Pam,
Thank you for reminding me whose I am, what I mean to my Creator, and no matter what He will never-forsake me, not even because of me!!! God Bless Woman of God!!!
Pam, reading this daily has been such a blessing. I can’t thank you enough for sharing this word and prayer with us daily. Its a simply read; not too long and very understandable. I have read it each day, and each day I am inspired. I look forward to reading each day, knowing that you will have a word for me. So again I thank you and I will invite others to join.
Hey Exie,
You know how much I love you and I am grateful that you would lend moments of your day with me. Thank you for your kind words. Be encouraged and stay safe!
I love this news letter, blog, and prayer this just inspired me to do better and to wait on him….thank you!!!
You have know idea of you impact on my life thank you for being a part of it and I truly believed that God blessed me with you!!!!ππππ
Thank you Stephanie for your comment and your willingness to put it on the blog. You are a treasure and I am having a blast with you in my life.
Devotional on April 18
As I read today’s devotional I was moved. This is such a time of waiting. We want the cure to the virus, now, so we can go back to life as we were living before. Maybe that is the problem. The Lord Almighty does not want us to go back to living as we did before. We will have to wait and while we are waiting, we will change. We will evaluate our lives and get rid of the things we were doing that we knew did not glorify God. We will stop listening to people and songs that disturb the truth of God in our lives. We will work while we are waiting and I pray we will work hard so that God is pleased
Pam, I have made ‘Teach My Hands to War’ a part of my morning devotion. May God bless you and keep writing and encouraging others.
Thank you for your feedback. That is such a blessing to me. Help me spread the word. If you know someone you think would be as blessed as you are, please forward it to
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just wanted to say i am really proud of you.
Thank You