1 John 4:16
And thus we have come to know and believe the love that God has unveiled within us. God is love; love is who God is; to live in this place of conscious, constant love, is to live immersed in God and to feel perfectly at home in his indwelling. (Mirror Bible)

 Do you demonstrate God’s love as you live?

Have you ever said something encouraging and uplifting to someone, whether you knew them or not, and you felt the love of God in the words you spoke? Did it warm your heart or bring tears to your eyes? Maybe you did not stop, in that moment, and say, “I really understand God’s love.” But you really did! You got another level of understanding about God’s love because you felt what God was sending to the person you were speaking to.

John 13:34-35 So I give you a new command: Love each other deeply and fully. Remember the ways that I have loved you, and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. 35 Everyone will know you as My followers if you demonstrate your love to others. (The Voice)

What a blessing it is to know God’s love runs through your heart and to live with the assurance He is always there because He saved you. You know yourself. You know how you responded before salvation. But isn’t it great to be perfectly at peace speaking words of love and comfort? You don’t even need to take time to think about what words you will say, because the love of God is so prevalent in your life? As you continue allowing God to develop your gifts and submitting to His call, you will begin to think, respond, and/or react differently from what was the norm for you. You may even ask yourself, “Why did I do that, say that, or think that?” If you truly accept God’s love, then you live in God’s love, and God’s love lives in you. You become an extension of God’s love because of your training. Being able to show God’s love is a necessary tool as you battle the enemy and as you seek to understand who you really are.

Please agree with me as I pray:

Father, I thank You for Your love. It fills me and surrounds me. I am so immersed in it I can speak, and I hear Your love. Your love holds back the reins of my emotions and my thoughts. Your love guides me. Your love sustains me. Your love is my weapon in battle. Your love allows me to show those, You assigned to me, who You are and what life in You is like. You are the one true God who loves unconditionally, and I thank You. I know Your love is absolute because it is how You love me. I am forever grateful for Your love…

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