2 Timothy 4:17 But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the [Gospel] message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was delivered out of the jaws of the lion. (Amplified Bible)
Psalms 144:2 My Steadfast Love and my Fortress, my High Tower and my Deliverer, my Shield and He in Whom I trust and take refuge, Who subdues my people under me. (Amplified Bible)
Do you have God’s guarantee?
There is a guarantee given to the righteous. You might ask, what does it mean to be righteous? It denotes one who is holy in heart, and observant of God’s divine commands in thought and in practice. It means you submit to God’s divine will, without pause, debate, or negotiating. It means you are acceptable. Even in submission, righteousness is not about what you have done, it is what Jesus did. Isn’t it a wonderful thing that even if you don’t do your part, righteousness remains available to you because of Jesus’ sacrifice? He did it all.
2 Corinthians 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (New King James Version NKJV)
Jesus made the way for you to give God glory with your life, to put away all sin, and to live in the righteousness.
Romans 3:22a This righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all those [Jew or Gentile] who believe [and trust in Him and acknowledge Him as God’s Son]. (Amplified Bible AMP)
He died for your guarantee of deliverance, power, and life eternal. All you have to do is follow His plan.
Romans 10:9-10 And what is God’s “living message”? It is the revelation of faith for salvation, which is the message that we preach. For if you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will experience salvation. 10 The heart that believes in him receives the gift of the righteousness of God—and then the mouth confesses, resulting in salvation. (The Passion Translation TPT)
Have you responded to the drawing of the Holy Spirit; accepted His invitation to salvation; and submitted yourself to God? If you answered yes, you have His guarantee.
2 Corinthians 1:21-22 It is God himself who makes us, together with you, sure of our life in union with Christ; it is God himself who has set us apart, 22 who has placed his mark of ownership upon us, and who has given us the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the guarantee of all that he has in store for us. (Good News Translation GNT)
Being in right standing with the Lord (righteous) guarantees He will hear you. It also guarantees He will bring you out of whatever problem you are facing.
Give God praise for He is Jehovah Tsidekenu [ja-hō-va tish-kā-new] (The LORD our Righteousness).
Please agree with me as I pray:
Father, because of Jesus, I can ask You whatever I want. Whether or not You grant my request rests with You and if I have done what You require. I felt Your pull on my life and I accepted Your invitation to salvation. I live my life with one desire: to be completely submitted to You. There are days when I believe I make you proud. However, there are other days when I am sure I don’t and I repent. The wonderful thing for me is that whether I think I have done well or I have not done well, my place with You does not change. Thank You for being there as I continually ask You to cleanse my heart. Thank You for reminding me I am righteous because of what You did for me, not because of those days when I think I made You proud. I have Your guarantee. I am acceptable. I know You are there to deliver me out of every situation. I have come to understand You base my right standing; my place in You, on who You are and what Jesus did, not on what I want or what I might do. Your guarantee does not mean I will not have problems. However, it does promise You will solve them and bring me out. I can’t dictate what method You will use. I have to stand with my guarantee stamped in my heart and believe. This is the faith walk that I take every day. I accept whatever each day brings because You accepted me. You are Jehovah Tsidekenu, my Righteousness…
Ask the Lord what He wants to say to you about today’s devotional and journal His response as described here.
My God My God take over Father…Please Take over!!! We repent for the times we stood in Your way and did not listen. Please forgive me for our disobedience to Your will Your way. We surrender all to You Father please take over….You are Jehovah Tsidekenu, our Righteousness…We love You..In Jesus Name!! Amen and Amen!!