Galatians 1:4
Grace and peace have their reference in the fact that Jesus gave himself as the scapegoat for our sins and plucked us out from the evil of this present religious age that encroached on us. This was exactly what the Father had planned in His love for mankind. (Mirror Bible)

Are you walking in the liberty Christ died for?

This warfare requires you to know Jesus died for your sins.  His death made it possible for you to be delivered from all the evil the world offers. Jesus died because it was the will of God, your Father. Now you should walk in grace and peace. Do not be so sin-conscious, because those thoughts cause guilt. Constantly focusing on what sins you have committed, means you believe Satan’s activity in your life is more effective than what Jesus did on the cross. This is not true! Live free of condemnation, yours and others.

Romans 8:1 So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. (The Passion Translation)

Walk in the liberty Jesus died for. This does not mean you should make provision for your flesh and allow sin to abound. It means you are free to live even if you make mistakes. Accepting this truth should bring you a greater sense of liberty.

Please agree with me as I pray:

Father, thank You for my freedom. I don’t have to live a life that’s tormented by my past, before You saved me. I don’t have to be distressed by my present mistakes. Thank You for reminding me of the victory Jesus bought with His death and through His resurrection. I can walk free from condemnation. Though I know sin exists in my life, help me not to focus on it all the time. Help me to walk in true repentance when I sin, knowing You forgive me, and I am free to move forward in You. I can stand in the name of Jesus and hold my head high…

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