Colossians 2:7
Just like the roots of the tree, draw your sustenance and strength from him. Like a building rising up out of its foundation, your life makes the full statue of Christ visible; standing tall in his shoes, firm in your faith posture. The language of gratitude that overflows from your lips reflect the exact impression of what you were taught. (Mirror Bible)
Are you the Lord’s planting or your own?
When you look at a building, do you stop and think about the type of foundation that was needed for it to be so tall? Or when you see an oak tree, do you think about how far down and how widespread the roots are? You are the planting of the Lord. In order for you to stand tall and reflect the image of the Father, you must have a foundation in Him that is deep and wide. Just like a plant needs water to survive and flourish, if you want to survive and flourish and have His image seen when the world sees you, your heavenly Father must nourish and strengthen you.
Jeremiah 17:8 You want to be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. You will not fear when heat comes; your leaves will always be green. You will have no worries in a year of drought and you will never fail to bear fruit.” (KJV)
As you take shape and develop into all God has purposed and planned for you, the image of God is made manifest. As you look at what God has done, you can only stop and give Him all the glory and praise. You can say, “This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in His eyes!” Salvation created the foundations and your time in prayer, fasting, study and worship fortified and cultivated the soil that allows you to stand tall and show God as the Lord of your life. You are the planting of the Lord! You will bear fruit that remains because God dictates your life and all you desire.
Please agree with me as I pray:
Father, I thank You for saving me and planting me. Before the foundation of the world, You created me; You gave me gifts; You gave me talents; but most of all, You gave me purpose. Help me, Father, to continue to submit myself to You. Call me, even more, to the place where You will water me with Your word and by Your Spirit. Engulf me in Your presence as I spend time in worship and in prayer. I want to allow You to nurture me, Your plant, so I will be rooted and grounded in You. I want to grow into full maturity, so You can use me to provide nourishment to those in need…