Psalms 37:24
Though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand.
Are you fighting scared?
Have you ever watched a wrestling tag-team match? The tag team comprises two or more wrestlers who are working together as a team. According to the rules, only one competitor per team is allowed in the ring at a time. Also, the only way a wrestler can change places with a partner is to “tag” him or touch him on some part of his body. Usually, one of the team members is being beaten down so badly, they are about to lose. Then the dramatic “tagging” happens. Those rules do not govern your life in Christ.
Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you while you [only need to] keep silent and remain calm.” (Amplified Bible)
It is not a tag-team match. God does not allow you to get all beat up and then He steps in. He is always there with you.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (New International Version)
God is your keeper! That is a weapon you need to settle in your spirit. The devil fights hard. He may even knock you down a time to two, but he cannot hold you down forever.
Proverbs 24:16a Although a righteous person may fall seven times, he gets up again, (NET Bible)
The Lord is holding your hand, so fight like it! He may allow you to fall when it will strengthen you, but He is keeping you from destruction. This reminder should change your fighting tactics.
Please agree with me as I pray:
Jehovah Nissi, I repent for fighting like I will not win. You are teaching my hands to war and my fingers to fight so I won’t stand before the enemy trembling. There is no possibility where he will win. Nothing exists on the earth, above the earth, or beneath the earth he can use, that You can’t stop. Because of You I fight like there is nothing You have ordained for my life that the devil can prevent me from attaining. This revelation allows me to tap into Your power within me. When You speak to me, I want to stand on it. Though the enemy will try to whisper in my ear, he will not move me. Your word is my rock and my solid foundation. You’re holding me, fighting through me, and bringing to pass what You have already purposed and predestined. You are omniscient; You know I’ve already won the victory. I will no longer fight afraid…
Thank You Father….this how we fight our Jesus Name!!!