Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

Do you feel like you’re fighting alone?

Though you may feel like it, you are not alone. Actually, if you are faithful to prayer and study, you are growing stronger in the Lord every day. As you progress, the information is weightier, and the tests get harder. It’s like going through school. You’ve heard it quoted, “New levels, new devils.” In spiritual warfare it is true, but it really doesn’t matter whether the devils are new or whether the devils are old. You know they exist and the devil has specifically and strategically assigned them to your life, but you are not alone.

Isaiah 43:2 When you face stormy seas I will be there with you with endurance and calm; Someone will not engulf you in raging rivers. If it seems like you’re walking through fire with flames licking at your limbs, keep going; you won’t be burned. (The Voice)

You don’t have to be afraid because of your desire to grow in your understanding of how the enemy works. You don’t have to say, “I will not pray those kinds of prayers”. You don’t have to shy away from studying what the Bible says about the enemy because you don’t want the devil to attack you. He’s going to attack you, anyway.

1 Peter 5:8 Most importantly, be disciplined and stay on guard. Your enemy the devil is prowling around outside like a roaring lion, just waiting and hoping for the chance to devour someone. (The Voice)

Since you know you are under attack, you might as well prepare for the battle and arm yourself; put on the full armor of God! The greatest thing you have going for you is knowing this is not your battle, it is the Lord’s. You are not fighting by yourself; He is fighting with you. The Lord God has promised to never leave you nor forsake you. When the enemy tries to make you feel like God has left you; He has not. He is right there (Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:6). Always remember, just like the devil is seeking you, so is the Lord.

2 Chronicles 16:9a For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. (New King James Version)

Continue to grow in God and allow Him to elevate you. Stand on the word of the Lord and feel His strength because you are never alone.

Please agree with me as I pray:

Father, I thank You for Your still small voice. You let me know even though I feel like I’m all by myself; I am not. You are right here with me. I thank You for allowing me to see what the enemy is doing. I know it is the devil because Your word tells me I don’t fight against flesh and blood. People are not my issue. I thank You, Father, for an intensified revelation of who the devil is and a greater understanding of how he works. I especially thank You for reassuring me of Your constant presence and protection. I am not necessarily a bigger target; but I am a target. The devil’s job is to wreak havoc in the earth and to pull those, who You created to worship You, to hell with him. Whether he uses an arrow or whether he uses a bazooka, You are Jehovah Nissi. You are with me and You are my banner. I know the Holy Spirit will stand up inside me. I know You cover me. I’m excited about what I have come to understand about this warfare. I’m excited about what You are doing in my life. I’m excited about what You are teaching me and the training I am getting. I am inspired by what You are showing me about me and what You are showing me about You…  

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