1 Corinthians 14:5
I am happy for all of you to speak in tongues, but I desire even more that each one of you will also speak revelation knowledge for the benefit of the whole church. So please do not speak in tongues in the church unless you can also interpret what you have just said. (Mirror Bible)
Which is your choice: to be edified or to edify others?
There are those who place a great deal of spiritual weight on speaking in tongues. I recommend you seek the Lord for yourself on this matter. Paul teaches it would be better to prophesy.
1 Corinthians 14:12-14 So it is with you, since you are so very eager to have spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in ways that will build up the church [spiritually]. 13 Therefore let one who speaks in a tongue pray that he may [be gifted to] translate or explain [what he says]. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unproductive [because it does not understand what my spirit is praying]. (AMP)
When a person gives a prophecy, they “speak forth” or declare the divine will of God. The purpose is to make known the desires God has for the person, the place, or the situation in any way they can. As they speak the heart of God, the sole purpose is obedience. God sends the prophet to bring people clarity, where they understand what God wants them to do and they do it. I will use the plight of Nineveh and the prophet Jonah to explain.
* Prophecy shows God’s justice – Because we understand God is a just God, we should repent. It is why God sent Jonah to Nineveh.
Nahum 1:9 – Futile are the plots you devise against the Eternal One, Nineveh, because He will put a stop to them. Evil will not have a second chance to rise up. (The Voice)
* Prophecy shows God’s power – Because we understand God is almighty, we know He always wins. This should create awe, but also be encouraging.
Jonah 3:4 Jonah started through the city, and after walking a whole day, he proclaimed, “In forty days Nineveh will be destroyed!” (Good News Translation)
* Prophecy shows God’s love – Because God loves us, He gives us warning. If we obey we avoid destruction.
Jonah 3:10 When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God [had compassion and] relented concerning the disaster which He had declared that He would bring upon them. And He did not do it. (AMP)
What an honor it would be to be used by God in this manner! It is wonderful to spend time in the presence of God, being washed over by His Spirit, speaking in tongues, and having your spirit man edified. You feel strong and close to the Father, and that is a good thing. But what about your service to others? The enemy will try to stop you from submitting yourself to be used by God. Don’t allow him to. You have to decide what is more important to you.
Please agree with me as I pray:
Father, I don’t need a title or a position to be used by You to speak into someone’s life, and I am grateful. I only need to be willing and available. I will continue to sit at Your feet, studying and learning more about You. I want You to trust me with the lives of Your beloved. I know one gift does not outweigh any other. But I also know Your desire is for all to come to the knowledge of the truth. I want to be used by You for the edification of the body and for Your glory…