Acts 15:9
He treated the outsiders exactly as he treated us, beginning at the very center of who they were and working from that center outward, cleaning up their lives as they trusted and believed him. (Mirror Bible)

Are you making excuses or tapping into “the power”?

Continue in your training in order to love like God loves. Those who are in and of the world can sometimes be a real challenge. Especially when greed, hurt, deceitfulness, etc. governs their lives. Can you pull from the fountain of love that never runs dry and defy what the world expects?

John 13:34-35 So I give you a new command: Love each other deeply and fully. Remember the ways that I have loved you, and demonstrate your love for others in those same ways. 35 Everyone will know you as My followers if you demonstrate your love to others. (The Voice)

If you spend time with the Lord regularly and consistently, you will find you can live as Jesus lived. Jesus treated the sinner the same as the believer. He loved them, from the place where they were, to the place He wanted them to be. You may say, “well I’m not Jesus” and you would be right. However, the same Spirit that dwells in Him and raised Him from the dead dwells in you. By the way, it is the same Spirit that brought you from where you were to where you are now. You can tap into the transforming love of God and do “greater works”. All you have to do is to be willing.

Please agree with me as I pray:

Father, I thank You for more and more understanding of redemption. I am in the world to seek those who are lost. I know You have ordained opportunities for me to interact with people who don’t know You. I also know I have missed a lot of them. Continue to do what is necessary in me so I present an open and welcoming countenance. I want both the unsaved, the saved, and anyone who is struggling to feel they can come to me and talk if they want to. I pray they will not feel judged and they will not feel condemned. I pray I can show them the path to You in a non-threatening manner. Give me the words to say to lead them to Your place of peace and refuge; different from the path they are currently on. I thank You for the work Jesus did on the cross. Thank You for the provision He made so everyone’s life can be touched and changed. I know You can use me. You even said in Your word I can do greater works. I will continue to yield myself completely to You, just as Jesus did. As you transform me from glory to glory, You can use me more and more. With Your anointing I can live, show and share a Jesus-life! …

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Stephanie Harden
Stephanie Harden
3 years ago

Father Thank You for transformation from Glory to Glory…..I will surrender all!!!

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